Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy ("Policy") describes TAIZHOU ZHONGNENG IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD.'s ("ZNEN") use of your data. References in this Policy to ZNEN, we or us shall mean TAIZHOU ZHONGNENG IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD., Add: NO.99 Haixiu Road, Jiaojiang, Taizhou 318000, Zhejiang Province,China.

We would like to emphasize that we take the protection of your privacy and your personal data very seriously and that we process your data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. ZNEN does not collect personal data when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that data.

With the below, we would like to explain you in more detail which personal data we collect and process in connection with the website and how we use this data.

What data do we collect?

If you only need to use browsing, search and other basic services, you can visit this website anonymously, we will not collect any personal data form you. If you need to use other services, we will collect necessary personal data as follows:

Device and Usage Information: we will collect and associate the information about your use ofservices and ways of use, including

o Equipment information: we will accept and record the equipment related information (such asequipment model, operating system version, equipment settings, unique equipmentidentification and other software and hardware feature information) and equipment locationrelated information (such as IP address, GPS information) according to the specific permissiongranted by you during the use of the website.

o Log information: when you use the services provided by this website, ZNEN entrusts a third-party, Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd., to automatically collect your detailed use records of our services, including browsing duration within the websiteand your clickand other behaviors on the website.

o User information:In order to provide you with official customer service (including but not limited to after-sales service, purchase service, etc.), we need to obtain basic information such as your name, contact information, and region.

For what purposes do we use your personal data?

We process the above indicated categories personal data for the following purposes:

To provide you with the display and search results of the page more suitable for your needs,

To understand the product adaptability,

To contact you or provide services such as push based on the information provided. You have theright to decide at your own discretion how to deal with any form of contact or information from us.

For internal business purposes, such as:

o   Promoting the business of the company and the daily management and operation of theservices and products provided by the company to customers,

o   Monitoring the use and safety of the website,

o   Implementing internal control,

o   Preparing statistics,

o   Conducting planning and research,

o   Designing services and products for customers' use,

o   Promoting (including direct Marketing and Market Research) purpose;

o   Confirm, check and / or record and maintain contact list of communication and promotion,

o   Resolve disputes, eliminate problems and implement this legal statement.

On what legal ground(s) do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data, because processing is necessary for the performance of our business services and responding to your requests and inquiries for ongoing business administration (Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR). The forms of data processing are consent-based (Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR). Furthermore, we have a legitimate interest to manage our business including to maintain ongoing operations and to improve and strengthen our operations and services (Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR). We also have a legitimate interest to share data with our affiliates and third parties to provide and improve our business services (Art. 6 (1) lit. b) and f) GDPR).

Who will we share this data with?

We may share your personal data with third parties, for providing you the services of our website and pursuing our legitimate business interests in conducting and enhancing our business in a group structure.

We use service providers for commissioned data processing whom we have instructed with the data processing within the scope of this Policy, e.g. we use AlibabaCloud within the framework of our website's technical infrastructure to provide the services of our website and hosting data for us. Where information is transferred to a ZNEN affiliate or vendor in a third country, data is adequately protected by valid adequacy methods under applicable data protection legislation.

Personal data may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law or if required for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.

In the event that the business is sold or integrated with another business, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers adviser and may be passed to the new owners of the business.

What rights do you have in relation to your personal data?

You have specific rights as a data subject under applicable data protection laws (Chapter III (Articles 15-23) of GDPR), you generally have the right to ask us:

for access to and a copy of your personal data that we hold,

that some of your personal data is provided to you or sent to another data controller in a commonly used, machine readable format,

to update or correct your personal data in order to make it accurate,

to delete your personal data from our records in certain circumstances,

to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

Where applicable, you also have the right:

withdraw your consent anytime where we rely on your consent to process your personal data; and

to object to us processing your personal data in certain circumstances (e.g. in case we process yourdata for direct marketing purposes).

These rights may be limited in some situations for example, where we can demonstrate that we have a legal requirement to process your data or if making the information available to you would reveal personal data about another person or if we are legally prevented from disclosing such information. In some instances, this may mean that we are able to retain data even if you withdraw your consent.

We hope that we can satisfy any queries you may have about the way we process your data. If you have any concerns about how we process your data, you can contact us as described below in the sectionIf you have any questions about your data.

In the event you still have unresolved concerns, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular the data protection authority in the Member State of your habitual residence or place of work.

Finally, please note that where we require personal data to comply with legal or contractual obligations, then provision of such data is mandatory: if such data is not provided, then we will not be able to manage our contractual relationship, or to meet obligations placed on us. In all other cases, provision of requested personal data is optional.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary and relevant for the purposes described in this Policy. The criteria used to determine the retention periods include: (i) how long the personal data is needed to provide the services and operate the business; (ii) the type of personal data collected; and (iii) whether we are subject to a legal, contractual or similar obligation to retain the personal data (e.g., mandatory legal data retention periods (tax/bookkeeping), government orders to preserve data relevant to an investigation, or data that must be retained for the purposes of litigation or disputes (e.g. we may retain data for an appropriate period (e.g. standard limitation period) after any relationship with you ends to protect ourself from legal claims, or to administer our business).

Where you are a customer, we will keep your data for the duration of any contractual relationship you have with us, and, to the extent permitted, after the end of that relationship for as long as necessary to perform the purposes set out in this Policy in accordance with applicable law.

Where we process personal data with your consent, we process the data until you ask us to stop and for a short period after this (to allow us to implement your requests). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to process your data so that we can respect your request in future.

We will store data in connection with your visit and use of the website to the extent permitted by law and our internal retention policy.

How do we protect and safeguard your personal data?

All personal data in electronic format (e-mails, documents, databases, uploaded batches of data, etc.) are stored on the servers of the supplier hosting data for us, which is located inUSA.

We strive to maintain the highest standards of security and ZNEN has put in place robust technical and organizational measures for the protection of your data in accordance with the current, general state of technology. Technical measures include appropriate actions to address online security, risk of data loss, alteration of data or unauthorized access, taking into consideration the risk presented by the processing and the nature of the personal data being processed. Organizational measures include restricting access to the personal data solely to authorized persons with a legitimate need to know for the purposes of this processing operation.

However, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. So, whilst we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted via our App. Any transmission is at your own risk.

Childrens Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13, and in the event that we learn that a child under the age of 18 has provided information on the website, we will delete that information as soon as possible.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may need to change this Privacy Policy to reflect how we process personal information over time. We may also change this Privacy Policy to reflect new legislations, new technologies or as reasonable required. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by email or through this website.

Contact information

The data controller for your information is TAIZHOU ZHONGNENG IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD., Address: NO.99 Haixiu Road, Jiaojiang, Taizhou 318000, Zhejiang Province,China. If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact ZNEN 's Privacy Team at [].

Sources of further information

This policy provides key information to you regarding the processed of your information. For certain areas of our information processing, we have further comprehensive details contained in other documentation. This information can be located as follows:

Our policy regarding the use of cookies and other similar technologies entitled Cookies Policy is located under this Privacy Policy.

Last update: 06/26/2023

Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

In order to ensure the normal operation of the website, get easier access experience for you, and recommend to you what you may be interested in,we will store a small data file named cookie on your computer or mobile device.

First party cookies are cookies set by the website you're visiting. Only that website can read them.In addition, a website might potentially use external services, which also set their own cookies,known as third-party cookies.

Persistent cookies are cookies saved on your computer and that are not deleted automatically whenyou quit your browser, unlike a session cookie, which is deleted when you quit your browser.

 Every time you visit our website, you will be prompted to accept or refuse cookies. The purpose is to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as user name, language, etc.) for a certain period of time. That way, you don't have to re-enter them when browsing around the site during the same visit. Cookies can also be used to establish anonymised statistics about the browsing experience on our sites.

Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. You can be aware of all cookies saved on your computer or mobile device and manage or delete cookies according to your preferences.

First-party cookies

The website uses "first-party cookies". These are cookies set and controlled by us, not by any external organization. However, to view some of our pages, you will have to accept cookies from external organizations.

The3types of first-party cookie we use are to:

visitor preferences: these are set by us and only we can read them. They remember:

o   if you have agreed to (or refused) this site's cookie policy,

make our websites operational: there are some cookies that we have to include in order for certain web pages to function. For this reason, they do not require your consent. In particular:

o   technical cookies required by certain IT systems.

Technical cookies:

●   gather analytics data (about user behaviour): we use these purely for internal research on how we can improve the service we provide for all our users. The cookies simply assess how you interactwith our website - as an anonymous user (the data gathered does not identify you personally). Also,this data is not shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose.

How can you manage cookies?

Removing cookies from your device: you can delete all cookies that are already on your device by clearing the browsing history of your browser. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have visited. Be aware though that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences).

Managing site-specific cookies: for more detailed control over site-specific cookies, check the privacy and cookie settings in your preferred browser.

Blocking cookies: you can set most modern browsers to prevent any cookies being placed on your device, but you may then have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site/page. And some services and functionalities may not work properly at all (e.g. profile logging-in).

Last update: 06/26/2023

ZNEN respects your privacy. ZNEN uses cookies to give you the best online experience. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our use of cookies. To find out more, read our Privacy Notice here.
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